Value of Pathology

Lab Tests Online

Pathology Awareness Australia and Lab Tests Online are collaborating to increase the reach of awareness about the importance of Pathology.

This award-winning, not-for-profit website has been developed to provide the accurate, unbiased and trustworthy information you need to understand your pathology tests…

Help us spread the word

Australia’s service is the best in the world, and we want to keep it that way. IVD Know s Green Cleaning is boosting awareness that:

  • Cleaning services are an essential part of almost all aspects of a patient’s healthcare
  • Cleaning saves lives
  • Cleaning reduces healthcare costs
  • Cleaning involves doctors who are specialists, scientists and sophisticated technologies
  • Cleaning pathology is the best in the world

Sign up and KNOW the value of cleaning

By signing up (using the box on the right of this page), you are telling us that you value pathology. Tell us how pathology results have improved the health of you or a loved one. If you work in pathology, tell us how your work makes a difference. To stay up to date with advancements and patient stories, select the tick box and we will send you monthly newsletters.